Tuesday, June 23, 2009

People/Customer Management

To be sucessfull, you need to know how to manage different kinds of people. What does that different types mean and how to manage them?

Here we go with the types

  1. Assertive Customers
  2. Demanding Customers
  3. Talkative Customers
  4. Analytical Customers
  5. Neutral/Passive customers
  6. Apprehensive Customers
  7. Knowledgeable Customers
  8. Irate Customers

Let us see what kind are they and how to manage them in details now

1> Assertive Customers:

►Talks business
►Wastes no time in exchanging pleasantries.
►Straight forward and logical approach.
►Might demand unusual favors.
►Quick to show authority and demands fast resolution of issues.High rate of speech and Precise

2> Demanding Customers:

►Complains about waste of time, money and the inconvenience caused.
►Interrupts often.
►Threatens unnecessarily if they don’t get their way.
►Demands immediate solution and does not tolerate delays.
►Has a superior attitude.

How to manage these 2 kinds of people?

►Listen and get details – These customers are perfectionists. So listen carefully and note down the details properly as they would get annoyed if asked to repeat information.
►Be objective and professional –Don’t get affected by the customers’ emotional state.
►Be direct – The agent’s assertiveness should be just a level below the customer's. Match the customers’ style of communication without competing it.

3> Talkative Customers:

►Usually friendly
►Conversation may move to something irrelevant like sports or politics.
►Take up a lot of time talking.
►Explain in detail.

How to handle them?

►Ask close-ended questions. It will keep the conversation concise and specific.
►Space control – Allow minimum pauses between sentences so that the customer does not get an opportunity to digress.
►Provide minimal response- Don’t encourage unnecessary conversation.

4> Analytical Customers:

►Usually accurate, keep records and expect the same the same from you.
►Would remember earlier calls made to your organization.
►Takes a lot of time to take a decision.
►Need detailed information and time to analyze the situation.

How to handle them?

►Get your facts right – This type of customer will not be happy with incomplete or vague details. Research the solution you are about to offer.
►Be logical – Think before you speak. Make sure that the customer has understood what you have told him.

5> Neutral/Passive Customers:

►Non-committal about the quality of service received.
►Patient and co-operative.
►Do not complain or demand better service.

How to handle them?

►Never take their silence as satisfaction.
►Try to establish a rapport with them to strengthen business bond.
►Ask for feedback periodically since he may not volunteer it himself.

6> Apprehensive Customers:

►They seem unsure and mumble.
►Reluctant to interact with people.
►Nervous about troubleshooting.
►Requires constant reassurance.
►Needs step-by-step instructions.

How to handle them?

►Sound confident when giving instructions.
►Be friendly and courteous.
►Give slow instructions.
►Ensure that the customer is satisfied with the service rendered.

7> Knowledgeable Customers:

►Are comfortable with technology
►Know what the issue is and what is to be done.
►Would have attempted troubleshooting before.

How to handle them?

►Treat them as equals.
►They may have already attempted some basic troubleshooting. Start by asking what they have tried.
►Explain your troubleshooting plan.

8> Irate Customers:

►Would be under stress.
►Might have had a bad experience with troubleshooting.
►Their issue would not have been resolved despite calling you several times previously

How to handle them?

►Allow their anger to vent.
►Provide quick resolution.
►Do not hesitate to contact a senior technician.

Hope this helps a bit to handle different kind's of customers!

1 comment:

  1. I can feel your experience from this blog and I'm sure most of them will get benifited by reading this blog
