Saturday, June 27, 2009

phonetic usage in Telephone conversation


0 - Zero

1 - Wun

2 - Too

3 - Tree

4 - Fower

5 - Fife

6 - Siks

7 - Seven

8 - Ait

9 - Niner


A - Alfa

B - Bravo

C - Charlie

D - Delta

E - Echo

F - Foxtrot

G - Golf

H - Hotel

I - India

J - Juliet

K - Kilo

L - Lima

M - Mike

N - November

O - Oscar

P - Papa

Q - Quebec

R - Romeo

S - Sierra

T - Tango

U - Uniform

V - Victor

W - Whiskey

X - Xray

Y - Yankee

Z - Zulu

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mastering the Handshake

Handshake is considered very important during Business meets. Hope this post help's you to learn the proper handshake.

The Proper Handshake:

>Firm, but not bone-crushing.
>Lasts about 3 seconds.
>May be "pumped" once or twice from the elbow .
>Is released after the shake, even if the introduction continues.
>Includes good eye contact with the other person Hold your drink in your left hand to avoid a cold, wet handshake.

The pictures that you see below explains the other kinds of Handshake which people do, without there knowledge. So be cautions to have a proper handshake and avoid the kinds mentioned below.

Business Etiquette

Making a good first Impression:

>The way you dress is the single biggest nonverbal communication you make about yourself. >Your dress conveys success, trustworthiness, intelligence and suitability.
>Lean towards the conservative side of style.
>Avoid loud colors and printed fabrics.
>Make sure your clothes are nicely pressed.
>Bring an extra tie, shirt or pantyhose just in case.

Clothing Tips for Women:

>Dark conservative suit. Two piece 1 or 2 button jacket and knee length skirt.
>White or light colored long sleeved blouse that is not low cut or sheer.
>Black well polished shoes with 1 to 1½ inch heels.
>Natural tone or sheer black pantyhose.
>Limited conservative jewelry.

Clothing Tips for Men:

>Conservative 2-piece dark suit, navy blue or medium to dark gray.
>Long sleeved blue or white shirt.
>Silk tie complimenting in color or style
>Black dress socks
>Dark polished shoes and matching beltJewelry – No bracelets, earrings or large rings

Email Etiquette:

>Problem with e-mail is that your tone can easily be misunderstood
>Always read your email before it goes out.
>Don’t forget the rules of spelling and grammar.
>Never omit a greeting and/or closing.
>Never use ALL CAPITALS.

Pre-Meeting Courtesies:

>Acknowledge your acceptance.
>Do your homework.
>Prepare your questions.
>Make sure you know the attendees.
>Coordinate your wardrobe and portfolio.
>Look your best.
>Be 10 minutes early.

Body Language:
Make frequent eye contact
Take notes
Nod frequently
Keep you hands out of your pocket
Cross you arms
Tap your feet
Clear your throat repeatedly
Bite your lips or nails

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

People/Customer Management

To be sucessfull, you need to know how to manage different kinds of people. What does that different types mean and how to manage them?

Here we go with the types

  1. Assertive Customers
  2. Demanding Customers
  3. Talkative Customers
  4. Analytical Customers
  5. Neutral/Passive customers
  6. Apprehensive Customers
  7. Knowledgeable Customers
  8. Irate Customers

Let us see what kind are they and how to manage them in details now

1> Assertive Customers:

►Talks business
►Wastes no time in exchanging pleasantries.
►Straight forward and logical approach.
►Might demand unusual favors.
►Quick to show authority and demands fast resolution of issues.High rate of speech and Precise

2> Demanding Customers:

►Complains about waste of time, money and the inconvenience caused.
►Interrupts often.
►Threatens unnecessarily if they don’t get their way.
►Demands immediate solution and does not tolerate delays.
►Has a superior attitude.

How to manage these 2 kinds of people?

►Listen and get details – These customers are perfectionists. So listen carefully and note down the details properly as they would get annoyed if asked to repeat information.
►Be objective and professional –Don’t get affected by the customers’ emotional state.
►Be direct – The agent’s assertiveness should be just a level below the customer's. Match the customers’ style of communication without competing it.

3> Talkative Customers:

►Usually friendly
►Conversation may move to something irrelevant like sports or politics.
►Take up a lot of time talking.
►Explain in detail.

How to handle them?

►Ask close-ended questions. It will keep the conversation concise and specific.
►Space control – Allow minimum pauses between sentences so that the customer does not get an opportunity to digress.
►Provide minimal response- Don’t encourage unnecessary conversation.

4> Analytical Customers:

►Usually accurate, keep records and expect the same the same from you.
►Would remember earlier calls made to your organization.
►Takes a lot of time to take a decision.
►Need detailed information and time to analyze the situation.

How to handle them?

►Get your facts right – This type of customer will not be happy with incomplete or vague details. Research the solution you are about to offer.
►Be logical – Think before you speak. Make sure that the customer has understood what you have told him.

5> Neutral/Passive Customers:

►Non-committal about the quality of service received.
►Patient and co-operative.
►Do not complain or demand better service.

How to handle them?

►Never take their silence as satisfaction.
►Try to establish a rapport with them to strengthen business bond.
►Ask for feedback periodically since he may not volunteer it himself.

6> Apprehensive Customers:

►They seem unsure and mumble.
►Reluctant to interact with people.
►Nervous about troubleshooting.
►Requires constant reassurance.
►Needs step-by-step instructions.

How to handle them?

►Sound confident when giving instructions.
►Be friendly and courteous.
►Give slow instructions.
►Ensure that the customer is satisfied with the service rendered.

7> Knowledgeable Customers:

►Are comfortable with technology
►Know what the issue is and what is to be done.
►Would have attempted troubleshooting before.

How to handle them?

►Treat them as equals.
►They may have already attempted some basic troubleshooting. Start by asking what they have tried.
►Explain your troubleshooting plan.

8> Irate Customers:

►Would be under stress.
►Might have had a bad experience with troubleshooting.
►Their issue would not have been resolved despite calling you several times previously

How to handle them?

►Allow their anger to vent.
►Provide quick resolution.
►Do not hesitate to contact a senior technician.

Hope this helps a bit to handle different kind's of customers!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Important things to do

After Landing these will be your important things to do

> You will receive an I-94 number (a card attached to your passport) from the US immigration officer. Before you leave the counter please ensure the date validity in that is accurate.

> It takes a week or 2 for the social security administration to receive your details from immigration. So apply for your SSN in the first week. So you can expect an SSN number with in a month time.

> You can open bank accounts in few banks with out the SSN number, but will not be able to do online banking.

> Change your traverlers Cheque in the bank.

> Apply for a secure credit card (Pay and spend). Some thing like a prepaid card. As credit history is very important in US. You can build your credit history using this card and later you will be eligible to get the actual credit card. Approach your bank for more details.

> Ensure your Insurance is activated. This is very important task which needs to be verified with your insurance agency.

Travel --Things you need to carry

It is always a tensed situation when you start packing your things and making sure you have every thing that is needed. Here is a tip,

Luggages allwoed:
2 huge suit case -- 20 to 24 kgs approx
1 carry on luggage - 8 kgs
(Few Airlines allow a laptop bag separately).

  • 1 Carry on luggage-- This can not be big, there is a prescribed size. please check your airline to know the size details. You can not keep any liquids or sharp objects in this baggage. Avoid taking any metals too. If you are carriying medicines please have the doctor prescription. Do not carry lighters or any flamable objects.

Can carry all those mentioned below in the hand luggage

  1. Certificates

  2. Visa documents

  3. Passport

  4. Air ticket and boarding pass

  5. Money and travelers cheque

  6. single or a pair of dress in case if you loose the luggage

  7. Cameras, laptops, mp3 players or other valuables

  8. Address of the home or hotel that you will be staying in US.

You will have this bag always in your possession. do not leave your bag unattended even in the restrooms.

  • 2 huge suit case--Clothes and all other items you carry. Do not carry green leaves or vegetables. If it is been found you will have a pay a penalty. Make some marks or tie a ribbon on your suitcase, this will you to identify it easily while picking up. You may end up seeing more suitcase similar to your's.

Do not worry if your luggage is delayed. Approach your airline and inform them about the luggage. They will bring that to you or you can go to the airport and pick it up at a maximum of 2 days time in case if it is lost.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


  • Noding or Shaking your head does not mean you acknowledge some thing in America. Please speak out either to accept or deny an argument.

  • Do not Barge in to some one's computer. Looking at some ones computer is not appreciated. Every one likes there privacy and they respect to keep a distance.

  • Do not use the term "ho" in your instant messages.

  • Male: Avoid wearing a Pink or Rose color shirts.

  • Do not hesitate to handshake with your oppsoite sex. People will think you are avoiding them.

  • Keep distance when you speak. Americans never like a very close conversation or putting hands on your shoulders as we do in India.

  • Never interupt an conversation, if you do so, please apologise and explain the reason for interuption quickly and let the presenter know he can carry on with his stuff.

  • When you go out for official lunch/dinner follow the table etiquette.

  • Never be late for any meetings or appointments. Time is Money over here.

How to speak American

This Blog is to help people who travel from India to America. In India we speak different languages, so each of us will have our own Mother Tongue Influence "MTI" when we speak English.

Ability to understand the spoken and replying him back is very important. The same applies to the listener. To make this happen one should develope the ability to communicate with a neutral accent and unserstand the foreign accent.

I would like to share all those which helped me over here.
We will see more of this in this Blog!!!